Equip your

We equip professionals to be successful as the best version of themselves.

This is not just a wellbeing initiative. We unlock sustainable high performance with a unique combination of strategic consulting skills and professional development methods to focus, prioritize, and communicate effectively.

The capabilities we build with FlowMasters

A unique combination of strategic consulting skills and professional development methods to focus, prioritize, and communicate effectively.

We deliver training programs based on one or more of the FlowMasters capabilities listed below, with the option to add individual or group coaching sessions to deepen participants’ personal insights and increase accountability to take action.

Click on each of the capabilities to learn more and what an example training session could look like.




Example of a tailored program: Leading Through Change

If you want to apply FlowMasters to a particular area of your organization or work on specific objectives, please reach out to discuss a tailored program. The image shows what an example training program could look like:

Reactions from previous training programs

Meet the founder of FlowMasters

As the founder and managing director of Koboda Pty Ltd, a professional development services company, Evelien Scherp builds energizing workplaces that actively grow and develop people.

In the last decade, Evelien worked as a strategy consultant, project leader, and professional development expert across the world.

  • She worked for eight years at Boston Consulting Group as strategy consultant, project leader, culture transformation expert, and team performance coach.

  • At BCG, she was also a formal mentor, internal and client-facing expert training facilitator, and speaker at regional and national conferences.

  • While growing her career, Evelien figured out her passion for professional development and became a certified speaker, trainer, and coach. She is accredited as Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation. This passion, combined with a renewed definition of success in life more broadly, led to her focus on expanding her own company.

FlowMasters had already been in the making for years. After Evelien experienced burnout halfway through her career, she experimented with different strategies and learned what success and wellbeing meant to her. As a project leader, mentor, and coach she observed that this looks different for everyone and successfully supported herself and others in creating a sustainable career.

Combining her skills and passion in professional development, her experience as a successful leader in a high performing corporate organization, and her personal values of creation, authenticity, and contribution makes Evelien uniquely positioned to equip professionals to be successful as the best versions of themselves.

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