A new approach.

As professionals, we want to be productive, make a difference, and accomplish great things, across all areas of life.

Achieving success goes hand-in-hand with looking after our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Although sometimes we may take this for granted.

FlowMasters is the key to achieving and maintaining success and wellbeing. Based on a unique combination of strategic consulting skills and professional development methods to focus, prioritize, and communicate effectively.

FlowMasters offers an inclusive approach where you can experiment with practical strategies and learn to prioritize, focus and communicate effectively and adjust to changing circumstances.

Specifically, the book FlowMasters for Professionals: Achieving and Maintaining Success and Wellbeing provides the insights and tools to:

  • Identify and manage your limiting beliefs;

  • Overcome the need to prove yourself;

  • Reduce pressure at and outside of work;

  • Adapt to your natural working style;

  • Prioritize, communicate and focus your time and energy effectively;

  • (Re)define what success means to you.

Through real-life insights, fundamental research, practical strategies based on effective strategic consulting skills, FlowMasters for Professionals takes you through the journey to be successful as the best version of yourself.

The book also contains QR codes to exclusive additional resources and workbooks so you can gain deeper insights in specific topics and get started with the FlowMasters tools straight away.

Get your copy of the book

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Any books ordered through the FlowMasters website are printed on PEFC accredited paper, shipped in certified compostable packaging and come with a free gift!

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The themes are brought to life by real stories from 30+ global leaders and professionals.


Professor Brendan Crabb AC

Infectious disease researcher and CEO of Australia’s Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health

Michael McNamara

Executive General Manager at Australia Post and former CEO of Digital Victoria

Monika Milinauskyte

Regional Manager for Tech Start-Ups and Workplace Coach and Mentor

Hugh Amos

Principal at Boston Consulting Group

Aliénor Salmon

Former happiness researcher at the UN who took a “short sabbatical” to dance around the world in search of her own happiness

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About the author

As the founder and managing director of Koboda Pty Ltd, a professional development services company, Evelien Scherp builds energizing workplaces that actively grow and develop people.

In the last decade, Evelien worked as a strategy consultant, project leader, and professional development expert across the world.

  • She worked for eight years at Boston Consulting Group as strategy consultant, project leader, culture transformation expert, and team performance coach.

  • At BCG, she was also a formal mentor, internal and client-facing expert training facilitator, and speaker at regional and national conferences.

  • While growing her career, Evelien figured out her passion for professional development and became a certified speaker, trainer, and coach. She is accredited as Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation. This passion, combined with a renewed definition of success in life more broadly, led to her focus on expanding her own company.

FlowMasters had already been in the making for years. After Evelien experienced burnout halfway through her career, she experimented with different strategies and learned what success and wellbeing meant to her. As a project leader, mentor, and coach she observed that this looks different for everyone and successfully supported herself and others in creating a sustainable career.

Combining her skills and passion in professional development, her experience as a successful leader in a high performing corporate organization, and her personal values of creation, authenticity, and contribution makes Evelien uniquely positioned to equip professionals to be successful as the best versions of themselves.

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Any books ordered through the FlowMasters website are printed on PEFC accredited paper, shipped in certified compostable packaging and come with a free gift!

Price is AU$29.95 excluding shipping and GST (if applicable).